photo: Bohumil Kostohryz Liquified Dream of a Dragonfly (Site-specific solo dance piece, with installation and live music: 30 min) in the corner of a garden it appears it keeps changing larva-chrysalis- nymph-dragonfly- a woman made of pollen the crack where the shell starts melting, freeing oneself from inertia reaching out- is the love of a snake/human/butterfly-mother… Her eye…
Category: Works
We Thought We Knew What We Were Doing (2023)
We Thought We Knew What We Were Doing is a testament to the way unexpected forces in life may subvert our most carefully considered plans: the unpredictable, surprising, the ever changing that demands adaptation. In performance (only!) paint drips from the ceiling, gradually rendering the floor slick.. The colours of the paint are trailed across the stage and onto the…
In Ritual (2021)
The premier: 18th September 2021, Festival Dance Dance Dance at Teatro das Figuras, Faro, Portugal Choreography and dance: Yuko Kominami & Joana Von Mayer Trindade Installation : Ana Maria Pintora Music: Tomas Tello Light: Luisa l’Abbate Theme The choreographic project was to create a dance piece based on ritual. It is a development of a research project on…
Iwa-Kagami (2018)
Premier 21st November 2018 Centre Culturel Régional Dudelange opderschmelz, Luxembourg Dance: Yuko Kominami Music: Tomás Tello Video: Diego Vizcarra The solo dance piece is about my father who died recently. It is based on my impression of the two weeks I spent time with him in his last days – after he was diagnosed with a cancer and…

Dreaming Scarlet Medusa (2017)
Premier 6th April 2017 opderschmelz, Dudelange, Luxembourg 27th May 2017 LUM, Lima, Peru Dance : Yuko Kominami Music: Tomás Tello Video: Diego Vizcarra Light: Vincent Urbani Costume: Carolina Rieckhof External Eye: Camille Mutel Charge of Production: Séverine Zimmer The piece is a result of a research into meanings and narratives of dance based on encounters between traditional…

Three Short Stories (2015) – dance and music piece for children and others
The piece “Three Short Stories” is about three different fantastic/supernatural stories using dance, music and light. Each story comes from different places (Japan, Poland, Perú). The piece is directed to children from 9 years onwards. The aim of the piece is to first of all provide magical experience and also introduce children(and adult) to different stories and different universes. “Three…

Metamorphosis [ou l’enigme du mouvement ou la confusion des forms] (2014)
Metamorphosis [ou l’enigme du mouvement ou la confusion des forms] Yuko Kominami Elvire Bastendorff Metamorphosis est la rencontre de deux disciplines, la fusion de deux univers artistiques distincts dont la finalité est une pièce vidéo(graphique) produite par une mise en forme d’images fixes et mobiles. La vidéo mixe différents langages pour aboutir à une poétique de l’image chorégraphique. Associant deux…

Linnunrata (2007)
…..pluck my plume. And there, into the opening I weave your plume into the silky slope of flight. A lovenest of connection and separation. A daydream for a crane’s placenta. Drawing inspiration from Japanese popular folklore. A crane takes shape as a woman and weaves a tapestry using her own plumes as an act of love. Dance: Yuko Kominami

reMEMBRANEce (2009)
The choreographic piece explores individual and collective memories with a focus on skin. Skin can be defined as a fluid plane, that functions both as a boundary and a connection. It is also a field of communication, where spells, encounters and memories reside. The piece consists of solo dance (Yuko Kominami) and video projection (Catherine Richard). Two female artists’ autobiographical…

Mayu (2013)
Rebirth-death-birth A lullaby in the womb Swim! towards the voice like a salmon up the river Hello again Welcome! Mayu is a solo dance piece with a live music performance. The piece is about rebirth (rebecoming) – A life-death spiral or rather a rhizome. The title “mayu” means “river” in Quechua (the language from the Andes) and in Japanese the…

Kaku (2011)
Music and Installation: Gilles Sornette Dance: Yuko Kominami Light: Brice Durand Coproduction: CCAM-Scène Nationale de Vandoeuvre (54) Moselle Arts Vivants – opérateur culturel du Conseil Général de la Moselle (57) Hörspiel (57)Subvention: Conseil Régional de Lorraine Ville de Metz Conseil Général de Moselle SPEDIDAMSupport: Arsenal/Metz en Scènes Centre Pompidou-Metz Trois C-L…

Kage-fumi (2012)
…I was already no more me but you. And you were me. You are me and looking at you, who is me, from the next room. So open but unreachable but already here… Two dancer/choreographers, choreographing each other along the theme of the double. My double – the shadow I have never met but is already inside me and always…

recollections (2012)
Re-collections is a performance which aims to connect memories from the past and the future of a place by sharing memories of the present together. The stage is surrouded by trees and ponds, and covered with dried cow dung. In the middle of it, a bed-size white “monolith” stands like an alien substance. Various images are projected on this monolith,…

SAI (2013)
SAI combine danse, musique live et vidéos interactives afin d’explorer un élément essentiel de la vie : la répétition et les variations qu’elle induit. Basée sur différentes séquences, la chorégraphie s’inspire avant tout de mouvements du quotidien. De par leur répétition consciente, se crée un effet kaléidoscopique qui révèle la richesse de nos rituels journaliers. En posant son regard sur le…

Winter Worm- Summer Grass (2013)
The piece is a collection of choreographic poems to revist the experience of one year TROIS C-L Boost programme 2012/2013, which consisits of creative research residencies in various places and in various seasons. The title, “Winter worm- Summer grass”, comes from Japanese name for “Cordyceps Sinensis”(Fuyumushi-Natsukusa). It is a fungus which parasitizes a lavae of moth in the earth during winter and slowly…