It will be guided by a Master Butoh dancer and a Somatic Practitioner Yumino Seki !!!! In theses 4 days, Yumino will guide you using somatic approach to get to her special and beautiful Butoh universe. (6 sessions X 3hours = 18 hours) and to complement to this butoh input, Yuko Kominami (2 sessions x 3 hours) will lead…
Category: Workshop and Class
Professional Inspiring Course Vol 1. Ruptures in palimpsest – Performing site-specifity
photo: Annick Wolfers Professional Inspiring Course Vol 1 Ruptures in palimpsest – Performing site-specifity When: 3rd – 5th November 2023 (3days) 10:30-13:30 and 15:00-18:00 (6hours/day) Where: A Sala de Espera- Dance Research Studio and Outdoor sites in Tavira What it is about: This workshop will inspire you in ways to perform a site-specific performance. We will work…
O Moviment do Ser – workshop de Butoh por Yuko Kominami
Movement of Becoming Workshop based on Butoh By Yuko Kominami 1st and 2nd February 2020 10:30-13:30 at Re-Criativa Republica 14 Olhao, Portugal O workshop é sobre o processo de transformação, de se tornar outro. Está baseado na prática de Butoh e na pesquisa pessoal do coreógrafo. O movimento de se transformar aqui significa o movimento para se dissolver…
O Movimento do Ser – workshop de Butoh por Yuko Kominami
23rd and 24th November 2019, 10:30-13:30 at Associação Cultural Re-Criativa República 14
Easter Dance Workshop in Tavira, Portugal
Workshop Movement of Becoming by Yuko Kominami From 1st to 5th April, 2018 This five-day workshop explores movement of metamorphosing inside/outside. We work both outdoor and indoor. “Movement of becoming” is a series of the workshop Yuko Kominami has been giving based on Butoh practice and her personal research. Movement of becoming means the movement of dissolving into…
New Year Outdoor Dance Workshop
Starting the New Year with fresh energy flows! Welcoming the new days dancing on the beach: sensing the sand, the waves, the sun, the breeze and the birds… We will begin with gentle warm-up, breathing exercise to regenerate all the cells, stretching to mobilize the body from inside and outside.And then we will move on to movement exercises to…
Workshop “Movement of Becoming” 17th & 18th June, 8th & 9th July 2017
The workshop is about movement of becoming based on butoh practice and the choreographers’ personal research. Movement of becoming here means the movement towards dissolving into something else than oneself. Why do we want to become something else than usual self? And what is this fantasy of fixed and unchanging self while it’s constantly changing every instant like all…
Butoh workshop – Inevitable existing and Improvisation with Yuko Kominami
Where: Teatro Municipal do Porto – Rivoli (Studio on the 5 floor) When: 22, 23 e 24 November 2016 Timetable: 18h – 21h30 Price: 45€ Inscriptions: or About the Butoh worksho Butoh is a dance which has its roots in the new dance movement of the late 1950s in Japan. The funders are Tatsumi Hijikata and Kazuo Ono.…

Workshop: butoh- appearing and vanishing images, Porto, Portugal
“O Teatro Municipal do Porto vai acolher o 2º WORKSHOP DE BUTOH com YUKO KOMINAMI, organizado e promovido pela NUISIS ZOBOP – Associação Cultural de criação, investigação e formação no domínio das artes performativas. 2, 3 e 4 Setembro 2016 Teatro Municipal do Porto Rivoli – Sala de Ensaios Horários: 2 Setembro 16 – 14h as 19h 3 Setembro 16 – 14h as 19h 4 Setembro…

Butoh – appearing and vanishing images, May 2016 This workshop focuses on movements evoked by appearing and vanishing images. It aims to explore certain methodologies of some butoh practices in working with images. How do we move and how are we moved by images, which appear and disappear by burning themselves to their vanishing point ? The workshop consists of basic physical exercises, movement exercises with images, also…
Workshop September 2015
Butoh Improvisation and Composition weekend workshop September 2015 Date and Time: 12th and 13th September 2015 13:00-17:00 19th and 20th September 2015 13:00-17:00 26th and 27th September 2015 13:00-17:00 Place: Vedanza Studio …

Autumn-winter 2014 on Thursday evenings
butoh-improvisation and composition class by yuko kominami Autumn-winter 2014 on Thursday evenings Dates: 1st session: 25.09 02.10, 09.10, 23.10, 13.11 2nd session: 20.11, 27.11, 04.12, 11.12, 18.12 Time: 19:00-21:00 Place: banannefabrik, Luxembourg Prices: Le cours d’essai à 25 € / 20 € (pour les artistes professionnels, demandeurs d’emplois et étudiants) Le stage à 110 € / 90 €…