Butoh workshop – Inevitable existing and Improvisation with Yuko Kominami

Where: Teatro Municipal do Porto – Rivoli (Studio on the 5 floor)
When: 22, 23 e 24 November 2016
Timetable: 18h – 21h30
Price: 45€
Inscriptions: nuisiszobop@gmail.com or joanavonmayer@gmail.com

About the Butoh worksho

Butoh is a dance which has its roots in the new dance movement of the late 1950s in Japan. The funders are Tatsumi Hijikata and Kazuo Ono. Nowadays even though it has developed into an established form of dance, the practice of Butoh is diverse in styles.

This three- day-workshop focuses on an aspect of Butoh of being present inevitably in this moment in this place. For me, Butoh is a practice which questions the way of existing and explores the extreme way of being (not necessarily in a way of exhausting the body nor putting the body into a dead-end street, but in a way that opens up the passage for something else or some other state, which radiates strong presence).
This workshop will use image works and perceiving exercises to build receptacle antenna to catch what is happening inside and outside, and at the same time, by doing so, build connections to inner/outer world and radiate the inevitable presence.
It is a useful tool for anyone related to performing arts – dancers, actors, musicians, performance artists, directors etc. and also for anyone who is interested in this way of existing exulting in different possibilities in everyday life movements.
Consequently, the workshop will develop further to apply this theme in improvisation, exploring how to realize here and now inevitability and strong rays of presence that moves with everything else.
The result might be joyful, meditative, ecstatic experience which moves beyond the ordinary sphere that is connected to somehow unknown but also very tangible places.