Workshop: butoh- appearing and vanishing images, Porto, Portugal

“O Teatro Municipal do Porto vai acolher o 2º WORKSHOP DE BUTOH com YUKO KOMINAMI, organizado e promovido pela NUISIS ZOBOP – Associação Cultural de criação, investigação e formação no domínio das artes performativas.

2, 3 e 4 Setembro 2016
Teatro Municipal do Porto Rivoli – Sala de Ensaios


2 Setembro 16 – 14h as 19h
3 Setembro 16 – 14h as 19h
4 Setembro 16 – 10h as 15h

Valor : 45.00 €

Link do evento no facebook

BUTOH – appearing and vanishing images

How do we move and be moved by images, which, at times, seem so abstract and very concrete?  And which appear and disappear by burning themselves to their vanishing point ?

This workshop focuses on movements evoked by appearing and vanishing images exploring methodologies of certain Butoh practices.

Butoh is a dance which has its roots in the new dance movement of the late 1950s in Japan. The funders are Tatsumi Hijikata and Kazuo Ono. Nowadays even though it has developed into an established form of dance, the practice of Butoh is diverse in styles.

In some Butoh practices images play an important roll. They regard images as something that materialize here and now and try to embody or let appear what is there but not so visible for everyday eyes.
This workshop aims to lead participants to open up their senses and physical channels, sharpening the imaginations and fortifying the determinations.

And explore how to ascertain what is there, what is communicating, inviting to play, what is there to destroy, throw away or to nurture in the moment of dance in improvisation and composition.

 The workshop consists of

1. basic physical exercises

2. movement exercises with images

3. also exercises to let images appear

4. and finally, improvisation and composition with unique images coming from each participants.

The class is open for everyone who is playful and resilient, and ready to dive into creative imagery movements.